Reviews: Mastercastle - Wine Of Heaven

Reviews: Mastercastle - Wine Of Heaven

6th Full Length Album from Italian Metal Band. I reviews this album track by track. Check it out.

1st track, Drink Of Me. The riffs are groove, heavy and sharp although the vocals beauty. The wah guitar is awesome and with a little bit electronic elements made this song futuristic. 2nd track, Space Of Variations. The vocals very Modern Rock, her vocals remind to Avril Lavigne. The riffs are Heavy and the guitar solo are simple and catchy. Solid easy listening song. 3rd track, Wine Of Heaven. Her vocals softer than previous tracks, and the riffs are groove & heavy although this song simple. Although this song softer than previous track, but the composition was great and the guitar solo is sick.

4th track, Hot As Blood. The riffs are awesome and her sang emotionally. The guitar solo is great and awesome. This song was very excellent. 5th track, Shine On Me. This song more Rock and the guitar solo is great and sick. Easy listening song with great guitar solo. 6th track, Black Tree's Heart. This song slower and softer than previous tracks. This song agreeable for cooling down. Listening this song like hear 80s Rock song with Modern sound.

7th track, Enlightenment. This song more Rock, easier and catchy. Between guitar solo since 1st track until this track, I think this’s best guitar solo on this album. 8th track, Castle In The Sky. The guitar licks are excellent and this song rather Progressive. Although just instrumental song, but this song was excellent. 9th track, Making Love. This song very 80s Rock, and although the music composition was too simple, but the guitar solo very awesome. I think it’s greatest guitar solo on this album.

When 80s meet Modernity and Fantasy. This’s Wine of Heaven from Mastercastle.
Score: 95%

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