Karasafra Chaos Manifest EP Reviews by BDP Metal

 Karasafra Chaos Manifest EP Reviews by BDP Metal

BDP Metal - Hello, Metalhead. How are You? Are You Metal.  On previous post, I post about Karasafra, Progressive Black Metal Band from Turkey. And for this post, I’ll reviews a Karasafra EP, Chaos Manifest. OK, Let’s Go.

                Structure of Debris, a Black Metal song with Jazzy Guitar Solo, Accoustic Guitar Arpeggio and Clean Vocals. Thoughtscapes, a Black Metal song with Complex and Abstract Structure, Jazzy Guitar Solo, Clean Vocals and This’s Good Black Jazz Song. Chaos Manifest, this’s longest track on this EP. A Black Metal song with Complex and Abstract Structure, Accoustic Guitar Lick, Clean Vocals, and Jazzy Guitar Solo.

The Clean Vocals like a Mikael Akerfedelt Clean Vocals, I think they’re Opeth of the Turkey. Good Drums Blast. Acoustic Guitar Lick, Jazzy Guitar Solo and Dark Guitar Riff. Black Metal with Jazz Fusion, it’s so amazing. I feel Kasarasfra EP, Chaos Manifest are Great Black Jazz Release.
Score: 95%. Great EP.

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