Galneryus - Under the Force of Courage (Album Lyrics)

Galneryus Under the Force of Courage (Album Lyrics), Galneryus Under the Force of Courage, Galneryus - Premonition Lyrics, Galneryus - The Time Before Dawn, Galneryus - Raise My Swor Lyrics, Galneryus - The Voice of Grievous Cry Lyrics, Galneryus - Rain of Tears Lyrics, Galneryus - Reward for Betrayal Lyrics, Galneryus - Chain of Distress Lyrics, Galneryus - The Force of Courage Lyrics

Galneryus - Under the Force of Courage (Album Lyrics)


1. Galneryus - Premonition Lyrics:

In this world where slavery is common
When a cold war between two great nations ended with a conflict,
war broke out
Slaves become the most convenient resource of conscripts
There is one slave who was drafted because of
his high physical ability
This is a story of a man who was forced to stand for his country
By giving victory, he is promised to be free from slavery
Sent to the field he can never lose
At the mercy of time
Struggles against his fate
Not to protect the national dignity
But just to protect his wife and his loved ones
Now, he raises his sword underthe force of courage

Lyricist:Syu & Taka

2. Galneryus - The Time Before Dawn (Instrumental)

3. Galneryus - Raise My Swor Lyrics:

 I'm searching for the sense of my life Where am I going?
引き返すことは許されず ただ、戦いを選びゆく

守るべきもの 信じるものは
この白夜も切り裂けと Cry out

(Just) raise my sword
(The) freedom became thousands of flames
(Just) raise my hope

塞ぎかける曇った心が 踏みしめる陸を濡らしてゆく
消えない虚像に悶えながら ただ、悲壮の大地へゆく

撃たれた刹那 目覚めた心
望み繋ぐ揺るぎない刃になれ Cry out

(Just) raise my sword
(The) freedom became thousands of flames
今翔けよ あの空へ
(Just) raise my hope
望み繋ぐ揺るぎない刃になれ Cry out

(Just) raise my sword
(The) freedom became thousands of flames
(Just) raise my hope

(Just) raise my sword
(The) freedom became thousands of flames
今翔けよ あの空へ
(Just) raise my hope I cut off all of enemies


4. Galneryus - The Voice of Grievous Cry Lyrics:

 (The) voice of grievous cry We must go forward
(The) grief of a cloudy sky What should we do?
Just go to the fate?
(The) voice of grievous cry We must fight against
Let us free from pain Where is justice? Distracted by sorrow...

I was walking slowly toward the boundless future
(I) fought day by day, (and even) fought against solitude
Suddenly you appeared in front of me
You and I were in much the same situation

Certainly we can't change the past But we can shape our future
We have no time to feel sadness Only feel our burning soul

(The) voice of grievous cry We must forward
(The) grief of a cloudy sky What should we do?
Just go to the fate?
(The) voice of grievous cry We must fight against
Let us free from pain Where is justice? Distracted by sorrow

(The) road goes on endlessly to destination
You and I are in much the same situation

Certainty we can't change the past But we can shape our future
We have no time to feel sadness Only feel our burning soul

(The) voice of grievous cry We must go forward
(The) grief of a cloudy sky What should we do?
Just go to the fate?
(The) voice of grievous cry We must fight against
Let us free from pain Where is justice? Distracted by sorrow

Certainly we can't change the past But we can shape our future
We have no time to feel sadness Go faster...
Only feel our burning soul

(The) voice of grievous cry We must go forward
(The) grief of a cloudy sky What should we do?
Just go to the fate?
(The) voice of grievous cry We must fight against
Let us free from pain Where is justice? Distracted by sorrow

(The) voice of grievous cry We must go forward
(The) grief of a cloudy sky What should we do?
Just go to the fate?
(The) voice of grievous cry We must fight against
Let us free from pain Where is justice? Distracted by sorrow...

Lyrics : Syu, SHO, TAKA
Music : Syu

5. Galneryus - Rain of Tears Lyrics:

 I. Reminiscence
Ⅱ. Rain Of Tears
As sworn allies, we fight Never been apart
Winning is the only way For us to live
Those of who lost their lives Live in our minds
Everything I have seen Still not the past
Grieving rain of tears (Rain of tears)
Just falling on me (Falling on me)
Piercing my heart It flows to the sea (To the sea)
Grieving rain of blood (Rain of blood)
Just wearing for me (Wearing for me)
Dyeing my soul And it flows to the sea
Ⅲ. Nightmare
Ⅳ. Endless Confliction
Darkness Sadness Madness Ruthless Endless confliction
Darkness Sadness Madness Ruthless Endless confliction
Darkness Sadness Madness Ruthless Endloss Canfliction
(Wanna) go away Far away Run away Turn away my hideous memories
We both swear that we'll fight forever It fills us with energy
Darkness Sadness Madness Ruthless Endless confliction
(Wanna) go away Faraway Run away Turn away my hideous memories
We both swear that wall fight forever It fills us with energy
The time's ready for a sortie again We will lead to the win
Ⅴ. Rain of Tears(Reprise)
As sworn allies, we fight Never been apart
Winning is the only way For us to live
Those of who lost their lives Live in our minds
Everything I have seen Still not the past
Grieving rain of tears (Rain of tears)
Just falling on me (Falling on me)
Piercing my heart It flows to the sen (To tho sea)
Griaving rain of blood (Rain of blood)
Just wearing for me (Wearing for me)
Dyeing my soul And it flows to the sea

Lyrics : YUHKI, TAKA
Music : YUHKI

6. Galneryus - Reward for Betrayal Lyrics: 

I'm losing my mind You are just the enemy
Reward for betrayal

We advanced to the darkness 戻る事の出来ない路を
We knew the reason to live ただ一つ 行くべき場所へ
We fought against the madness 振り下ろされた無数の刃

Betrayer! Why did you betray? Betrayer!

Sound of the sorrow I'm losing my mind
彷徨う心 蠢く背徳の渦
Sign of the sorrow I can't forgive you
漂う意識 言葉さえ失いゆく

I can't hide my weakness 目の前に広がる嘘が
I lost the reason to live 消え去りゆく真実の標

Betrayer! Why did you betray? Betrayer!

Sound of the sorrow I'm losing my mind
彷徨う心 蠢く悲嘆の渦
Sign of the sorrow I can't forgive you
漂う意識 言葉さえ失いゆく

I'm losing my mind You are just the enemy
Reward for betrayal

Betrayer! Why did you betray me?
Betrayer! You're wrong, I'm alone
Sound of the sorrow I'm losing my mind
彷徨う心 蠢く背徳の渦
Sign of the sorrow I can't forgive you
漂う意識 宿命さえ薄れゆく

I'm losing my mind You are just the enemy
Reward for betrayal

Lyrics:Syu & Yuhki & Taka

7. Galneryus - Soul of the Field Lyrics:
Now's the time I slash at you with my sword
I change my sorrow into power

There's no way to koop a promise 'cause I hava to win my honor
Why did you try to do that?
There's no way to keep a promise 'cause I hava to guard my life
Why did you tell a lie to me?

Soul of the field and dust of the field
Soul of my sword Fragment of my soul

I'd believed you all the time but you betrayed
I thought that our faith was the same

There's no way to keep a promise 'cause I have to win my honor

Why did you try to do that?
There's no way to keep a promise 'cause I have to guard my life
Why did you tell a lie to me?

Soul of the field and dust of the field
Soul of my sword Fragment of my soul

哀しみと嘆き胸に秘め 僅かな望み託し振るう
悲嘆を叫び君に願う たとえこの身紅く染めても

苦しみと痛み胸に秘め 微かな望み託し駆ける
こだまする最期の叫びは 遠く切なく響いてゆく

Soul of the field and dust of the field
Soul of my sword Fragment of my soul

Lyricist:Syu & Sho

8. Galneryus - Chain of Distress Lyrics:

見果てぬ夢 どれほどの痛みを繋ぐ?
哀しみさえ今 何も意味を持たぬまま

赦しを求めても 消えない宿命に弄ばれて
気付けば 願いが 碧落の果てに消えゆくだけ


見上げる空 どれほどの哀しみがある?
夢に破れゆく 何も掴むこともなく

明日を重ねても 消えない宿命に弄ばれて
気付けば 願いが 蒼穹の果てに消えゆくだけ


霞みがかった景色を もう一度確かめたい
たとえこの身体朽ち果てようとも 目指す場所へ…

確かな想いと共に 悠久の天へ


9. Galneryus - The Force of Courage Lyrics:

 I. The Sense Of My Life

何故争う為に生きる? 何故傷つけ合うのだろう?
数多の希望は倒れて問いかける 流れた幾千の血の意味を

この命の揺れる灯火を お前と共に…

Under (the) force of courage Yes, we will fight surely
Under the promised land we will go certainly
We stand together, we keep fighting
Raise our fists Raise our swords

哀しみが生み出すもの 僅かに見えかけていたもの
宿命に揺れる足元に託しゆく お前の最後の涙の向こう

この命の揺れる灯火を お前と共に…

Under (the) force of courage Yes, we will fight surely
Under the promised land we will go certainly
We stand together, we keep fighting
Raise our fists Raise our sword

II. Dream And Reality

眠る身体に突き刺さる 幻影に惑わされ
記憶の中で拡がる情景に 何度も己を重ねてゆく

この命の揺れる灯火を お前と共に…
We keep fighting

III. Just For The Faith

不条理な世界の中 求める事は同じで

傷つけ合う事だけで 流れる涙の意味を知る
交わした約束へと 思いを馳せて駆ける
揺るぎない思いを乗せ 追憶の雨に濡れながら

この命の揺れる灯火を お前と共に…
We keep fighting

Under (the) force of courage Yes, we will fight surely
Under the promised land we will go certainly
We've been searching for our sense of life Just for the faith

Now we are completely invincible
We are united, power, (and) force of courage
We'll fight just for reality of this world
We never give up and surely raise our swords
Force of courage...

護るべき者たちを 信じるべき夢に乗せて
散りゆく希望纏い 立ち上がれ未来に向かって
We believe our strength We're one

IV. Pray To The Sky

Even if we fell down on the ground,
we strongly believe (the) light lights up our feet (and)
keep going to win (and) never lose our faith
We are the force of courage

Even if we fell down on the ground,
we only believe (that) we can see the rising sun
Keep going to win (and) never lose our faith
Until the end...

Pray to the edge of the sky
We go to where no one could ever see
Pray to the edge of the sky
Surely we carry out promise with you
Til the end we will keep fighting for you
Til the end I will stand there for you
And we will (surely) stand on the promised land,
we'll raise our swords, and raise our flag...


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